The Evolution of Why

Dear USANA Friends -

Many times over the past 25 years I’ve been asked to help individuals clarify their “WHY” — their personal compelling reason for building a USANA business. The requests are often similar to this e-mail I recently received. Here is just a part of the letter:

“Collette, I hope you can take a moment to point me in the right direction. I’ve read articles on the many reasons it is crucial to have a WHY.  However, when I try to pin it down I don’t seem to be able to put my finger on it. It’s very disconcerting.”

So here is a portion of the letter I sent back, sharing it with the hope that it will resonate with some of you:

Dear _______,

I can relate to the emotions you're expressing because there have been times over my years in USANA when I've questioned my efforts and my direction. As a woman who prides herself on saying, "YES!" it's easy to get distracted and sidetracked. When we're climbing any ladder, we need to periodically check our motives to make certain that ladder is leaning against the right building...a truth I learned many years ago from Stephen Covey.   

I believe our ultimate why changes and evolves with the seasons in our lives. Can you identify the reasons behind the blocks you're experiencing? Maybe your ultimate why in USANA is to become as healthy as you can possibly be. It might not have anything to do with rank advancements or the size of your check. Your "why" could be as simple as being an example for others to follow. Or possibly your “why” will be related to leaving a legacy for your children and grandchildren. Your “why” might be directly tied to future time freedom - the ability to retire on your own terms. I don't know your financial situation, but I've seen many people struggle to find a "why" because they're already financially comfortable.  In those cases, I’ve found the following questions helpful:

What would make you excited to jump out of bed in the morning?

What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?

What if you were suddenly struck by lightning and became a genius?  What would you want to accomplish?

Is there something you've always wanted to learn...perhaps a new language, a new talent or skill?

On the other hand, if finances are holding you back, here are some questions that might get the juices flowing:

If you suddenly inherited ten million dollars, what would you do TODAY?

What is one place you've always wanted to visit?

If you knew you were going to pass to the other side next week, is there a memory you'd want to make before that time came?

I hope you're getting the idea.  Pinpointing your “why” is about asking yourself questions (lots of them), pondering those questions, making some decisions and then taking baby steps in that direction.  Then, along the way we can make numerous course corrections as we receive personal insights.

I’ve actually adjusted my “why” many times over the past quarter century and through this process of looking inward I’ve gained clarity and understanding about what really matters to me.  

Thank you for writing and as always, light and love as you travel this journey.

