Welcome to USANA


Larsen Global has earned the title of Distributor of the Year and top-earning distributorship an unprecedented thirteen times. 

Larsen Global is USANA’s only 10-Star Diamond distributorship and has helped thousands of people elevate their quality of life through improved health and an ability to make money by sharing what they love.

USANA is a company based on continuous product innovation. This is why they have stringent manufacturing processes, participate in ongoing scientific research, and have an insatiable drive to produce exceptional products. This is why USANA is trusted by professional athletes and Olympians, and also everyday people who believe health is a vital part of a long, happy life.

We create leaders. Are you ready to partner with USANA's most successful distributorship? We hope so. We're glad you found us, and we're so excited to work with you.



We would love to answer any questions you have. You can learn more about us, or contact us for more information.

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You can enroll to become a USANA business owner, or save up to 20% with our Preferred Customer program.

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